Life purpose Women cycling

I landed my dream job

Wow. I can’t believe it’s been three months since I posted a blog! I’ve been distracted and not overly motivated about blogging but I’m back. I’m planning to post about once a month, rather than the weekly posts I used to maintain.

Podcasting appears to be the more popular way of sharing and expressing opinions currently but I’m not so keen on speaking. I’d rather write so I’m sticking with blogging even if it’s not as trendy.

Since you heard from me last, I’ve had a major change in my life and landed my dream job as editor of Bicycling Australia.

It began in late August, coincidentally not long after my last blog post, when the then editor of BA contacted me to tell me he was leaving after eight years, and thought I should apply. I sent an email and then heard ‘crickets’. About three weeks later I’d pretty much given up on the idea and decided to send another email, just in case the first one had been lost in cyberspace.

What a great decision because it turned out that my original email had never reached its recipient, and he was indeed interested in speaking to me about the role. So, the next day I had an interview via video and the very next day I was declared the new editor of Bicycling Australia. A good life lesson in not giving up so easily!!

Fast forward two months and I’m firmly in the new chair, and I love it.

The role suits me on many levels. It neatly combines my experience as a writer/professional communicator with my love and knowledge of Australian road cycling.

When I took a career break in the mid-2010s and worked in a bike shop I always hoped a role that combined these two things would materialise but it didn’t happen. So, when I grew tired of working in retail I returned to public relations, which morphed into a content role.

It seemed I just had to have some patience, and some magic would eventually happen.

I have no particular advice to share about landing a dream job except that patience sometimes pays off. It also helps if you focus on the job itself rather than the salary. For many people, money becomes less of a focus as they age. I’ve never been very focused on dollars, although I’ve had a privileged upbringing with great access to education. I’m also lucky to have been born in a fabulous country and been surrounded by loving family members and friends.

I especially have to mention my late dad Dennis here. Get your tissues ready. I’m already crying while I write this. My dad was my biggest fan club and career mentor. He started his own career as a journalist and then moved to PR. We worked together for many years. I feel like I’ve reclaimed the journalism mantel on his behalf. He would be so proud of me. The only sad aspect of my new job is that he didn’t live to share it with me. I miss him so much.

And perhaps being in the right place at the right time also helps. I’d been a contributor for BA for many years which gave me frontrunner status when it came to job candidates.

Share your dream job experiences with me via comments or my Facebook page or group. I’d love to hear from you.