Women Who Cycle is 11 years old
Womenwhocycle.com is 11 years old, so Happy Birthday Women Who Cycle. I was going to write some shiny new copy but when I went back to read the post I wrote when this blog was just one year old, I found not a whole lot has changed so here it is again with some minor updates.
This blog post is fairly self-indulgent, laced with nostalgia and reflection. Not that blogging itself isn’t a self-indulgent pastime. But I guess I try most of the time to impart something useful for women cyclists.
I started the blog 11 years ago on a whim because I really wanted to share what I’ve learnt about cycling with other women. At the time I had about half a dozen blog post ideas and didn’t know if I’d be able to sustain it. I’ve surprised myself because I’ve rarely had to think for long to come up with my weekly blog topic and there’s plenty more to come.
During the past 11 years, the blog has taken on a life of its own and reached every corner of the globe.
When I first hit ‘publish’ in WordPress on 13 August 2011 I was really shy about telling people about my new venture, but I soon learned to be proud and forthright.
My forthright attitude helped me reach out to many, many people during the past year and I’ve met some terrific female cyclists (via email, on the phone and face-to-face), many people in the bike industry, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface (sorry about all the clichés) with so many opportunities to come.
I’d like to thank everyone who’s supported me in the past 11 years by subscribing to posts, spreading the word via social media, agreeing to be interviewed, meeting with me and many more. Special mention to my fabulous partner Phil who’s been a great proof-reading, ideas man and has put up with my droning on about it.